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Samstag, 5. November 2016

Rusty Card for the Canvas Corp Brands

Hello all,
today I want to show you a little rusty card I made for the Canvas Corp Brands November Challenge.


Hop over to the blog to see more, there is a gorgeous prize to win!
I hope, you´ll find time to join in!

I used the Naturaly Aged Kit "Rusty Metal for the card. I´ll make a video tutorial soon!

I hope you like my little card!
I wish you a wonderful weekend!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Great mixed media work Evelyn;LOOOOve it !!!
    Delicious textures :)

  2. Eine sehr gelungene Karte liebe Evelyn, klasse Steampunk mit tollen Effekten. Gefällt mir sehr.
    Liebe Grüße und eine schöne neue Woche.

  3. This is so cool! I love your amazing background and that funky cool car! Hugs, Autumn
